Summary of CETEF'24

The Central European Technology Forum – CETEF’24, held on November 18–19, 2024, at the Auditorium Maximum of Jagiellonian University and the Campus of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, became one of the most significant events in Central and Eastern Europe this year, dedicated to innovative energy transition technologies, industrial development, and international cooperation.

Goals and Mission of CETEF’24

This year’s edition of the Forum focused on strengthening the position of Central and Eastern Europe within the European and global innovation ecosystem, in the context of sustainable development and the energy transition. The main objectives of the Forum were:

  • Creating an international platform for discussions on European policies related to the development of key technological fields essential for the success of the energy transition.
  • Increasing the participation and role of countries in our region in European development programs—encouraging partnership networks to implement European projects in high-tech sectors.
  • Showcasing the region’s technological potential and promoting Poland as an attractive and reliable technological partner in the implementation of the EU’s development projects.
  • Discussing the participation of our region in the Horizon Europe program and preparing recommendations for the 10th EU Framework Programme.
  • Highlighting the leading role of the young generation of scientists and innovators—a group that is already achieving success and will shape the future of the region’s innovation landscape.

Key Figures and Achievements:

  • Over 1,350 participants – experts from various economic sectors, technology industry leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers from 27 countries, spanning the USA, Europe, Africa, China, India, and Australia. Among them, 550 attendees participated in on-site discussions.
  • The Forum was held under the patronage of the European Parliament and the auspices of the European Commission.
  • 100+ CETEF’24 partners from different countries and technology sectors contributed to the event’s organization, giving it a unique international character. These included Strategic Partners (PSE S.A. and KRPUT), Conference Organizing Partners, Industrial Partners, and International Project Partners.
  • For the first time in history, the influential European network Science|Business—focused on research and innovation policy and EU Framework Programs—was a Media Partner of the Forum.
  • Dozens of distinguished speakers from over 20 countries, including leading representatives from:
    • Politics and local authorities (e.g., Iliana Ivanova, Maria Cristina Russo, Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Borys Budka, Marzena Czarnecka, Waldemar Pawlak, Aleksander Miszalski).
    • Academia (e.g., Prof. Tadeusz Burczyński, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Prof. Krzysztof Kurek, Prof. Jerzy Lis, Prof. Natasha Markovska, Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, Prof. Paweł Rowiński, Prof. Piotr Sankowski, Prof. Mirosław Skibniewski, Prof. Chris Speed, Prof. Zbigniew Śmieszek, Prof. Mark Treherne, Prof. Jerzy Zawistowski, Prof. Karol Życzkowski).
    • Industry (e.g., Maciej Adamkiewicz, Michele Andolfo, John Bason, Bernd Eberhardt, Jarosław Królewski, Sławomir Kumka, Grzegorz Onichimowski, Adam Piotrowski, Paweł Przewięźlikowski, Bogusław Świeczkowski, Wojciech Wajda).
    • Agencies and environmental organizations (e.g., Ian Gauci Borda, Joanna Broy, Sławomir Cieślik, Harmen Dekker, Laura Cozzi, Michał Dąbrowski, Lars Gutheil, Ákos Horváth, Ewa Mańkiewicz-Cudny, Ionut Tata, Stefan Tochev, Yao Weike).
  • Dozens of presentations, sessions, panel discussions, meetings, and thematic showcases were held during the Plenary Conference, seven Thematic Conferences, and the 2nd Edition of the Young Scientist Day, providing participants with opportunities to exchange experiences and present the latest research and innovation solutions relevant to technological business development.
  • The two-day Forum program was enriched with five study visits to leading research centers in Kraków and an international networking meeting – the Horizon Europe Matchmaking Event.
  • A dedicated networking PREMIUM zone and an exhibition & poster area, designed in an industrial style, facilitated interaction and collaboration.
  • Excellent collaboration among the CETEF’24 organizers, including the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (IZTECH), the Supreme Technical Organization – Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations (FSNT-NOT), the Kraków FSNT-NOT Council, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University, and the City of Kraków.

CETEF'24 - Day I

The first day of the Forum (18.11.2024) was dominated by the Plenary Conference, focusing on energy transition, Industry 5.0, and the Horizon Europe program.

After the opening ceremony, introduced by Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk, Vice President of IZTECH, and attended by Dr. Aleksander Miszalski, Mayor of Kraków, as well as representatives of the organizers – Dr. Zygmunt Krasiński, President of IZTECH, and Prof. Jerzy Lis, Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology – the conference was taken over by Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the IZTECH Council.

Keynote speeches were delivered by:

  • Iliana Ivanova, EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation
  • Borys Budka, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy
  • Waldemar Pawlak, Chair of the Senate Committee on National Economy and Innovation

During the opening ceremony, Waldemar Pawlak was honored with the IZTECH Future Technology Award 2024 for his outstanding contributions to public service and organizational efforts in advancing the high-tech industry.


A key highlight of the program was the high-level debate, moderated by Prof. Jerzy Buzek, featuring:

  • Marzena Czarnecka, Minister of Industry
  • Miłosz Motyka, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment
  • Piotr Lachowicz, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy and Development
  • Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Chair of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities
  • Grzegorz Onichimowski, President of the Board of Polish Power Grid (PSE S.A.)
  • Prof. Krzysztof Kurek, Director of the National Centre for Nuclear Research

During the discussion, the experts explored the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.

In his online address, President Yao Weike (China Association for International Science & Technology Cooperation – CETEF’24 Partner) invited companies from our region of Europe to collaborate with Chinese technology firms.

The first part of the Plenary Conference concluded with speeches by:

  • Dr. Ákos Horváth (Hungary), Director General of the Energy Research Centre – Key tasks, objectives, and Hungary’s contribution to the implementation of European climate policy
  • Dr. Lars Gutheil, Director General of AHK Poland – Germany’s energy transition policy and opportunities for German-Polish cooperation in implementing European climate policy
  • Prof. Piotr SankowskiThe Future of Artificial Intelligence

The afternoon session of the Plenary Conference was led by Kamil Wójcik, Vice President of FSNT-NOT. It began with a speech by a distinguished guest, Director Maria Cristina Russo from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, who discussed the opportunities of Industry 5.0 in the context of challenges related to the energy transition.

The following panel discussions focused on:

  • The role of Central and Eastern European countries in implementing the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation
  • Preparations for the 10th EU Framework Programme (moderated by Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk, Vice President of IZTECH)
  • Kraków as the city of the future (moderated by Jarosław Bułka, Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Kraków for Digital Transformation)

Between the panel discussions, there was a presentation by Stefan Tochev, representative of MDPISupporting Open Access and Global Scientific Collaboration.

An important element of the first day was also the 2nd Edition of the Young Scientist Day, organized by the Work&Science Foundation, led by Jarosław Olszewski, President of the Foundation, and with the participation of Prof. Paweł Rowiński, President of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences (ALLEA). During the event, young researchers presented innovative projects, inspiring reflection on the future of science and collaboration with industry.

On the first day of the Forum, after the conclusion of the Plenary Conference, five Study Visits took place at leading research centers in Kraków:

  • National Synchrotron Radiation Center “Solaris” of the Jagiellonian University,
  • Academic Computer Center Cyfronet AGH,
  • Center for European Union Computational Personalized Medicine – SANO,
  • Ryvu Therapeutics Research and Development Center for Innovative Medicines,
  • Centre for Innovations and Research on Healthy and Safe Food – URK.

The highlight of the first day of the Forum was the Gala Dinner at the Sukiennice, to which personal invitations were extended by the Mayor of the City of Kraków.

CETEF'24 - Day II

The agenda for the second day of the Forum (November 19, 2024) was also rich. From the morning hours, seven Thematic Conferences took place at the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University and at the Campus of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, focusing on leading technological topics:

  • Innovative Technologies in Energy Transformation (Organizer – Cezatech – IZTECH Group)
  • Innovations in Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence: New Technological Horizons (Organizer – Łukasiewicz-PIAP)
  • Innovations in Biotechnology (Organizer – Małopolska Biotechnology Center of the Jagiellonian University)
  • Space and Satellite Technologies (Organizer – AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków)
  • Materials Engineering in the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry (Łukasiewicz Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Non-Ferrous Metals)
  • New Horizons for Agri-Food Technologies (Organizer – University of Agriculture in Kraków, named after Hugo Kołłątaj)
  • Social Innovations in Technology (Organizer – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities)

The culmination of CETEF’24 was the international networking event – Horizon Europe Matchmaking Event. This matchmaking event was organized by the Horizon Europe National Contact Points – the partners of CETEF’24. It was an excellent opportunity to establish valuable contacts, collaborate with other participants, and explore the opportunities offered by the Horizon Europe program.

During the Forum, a Technology Solutions and Poster Presentation Exhibition was also held, where exhibitors showcased innovative technologies and research projects that could have a real impact on the development of industry and innovation.

This year’s edition of the Forum received exceptionally high interest from the high-tech community, as evidenced by the record number of over one hundred event partners. The collaboration involved not only high-tech companies but also leading universities and research institutes, as well as organizations representing an experienced group of engineers, doctoral students, and young researchers, both from Europe and beyond. In particular, we greatly appreciate the direct involvement of the Mayor of Kraków in preparing the Forum, as the city focuses on start-ups and technological development.

The excellent collaboration during the preparatory work and discussions of the Forum significantly contributed to the high substantive evaluation of CETEF’24, including from representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, co-organizers, partners, and speakers. CETEF’24 was proof that Central and Eastern Europe has immense potential in building a modern innovation ecosystem for the energy transformation. Thank you, and we look forward to welcoming you to future editions!

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prof. Jerzy Buzek

Premier RP 1997-2001
Przewodniczący Parlamentu Europejskiego 2009–2012
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2004-2024
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego nieprzerwanie od 2004 r. W latach 2009-2012 pełnił funkcję przewodniczącego Parlamentu Europejskiego, będąc pierwszym i jedynym dotąd przewodniczącym tej instytucji z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. W 8. kadencji Parlamentu Europejskiego (2014-2019) kierował Komisją Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii. W PE był sprawozdawcą wielu ważnych raportów nowelizacji dyrektywy gazowej, rozporządzenia o bezpieczeństwie dostaw gazu czy 7. Programu Ramowego na rzecz Badań i Innowacji. W 2016 r. portal Euractiv umieścił go w rankingu EurActory40 w trójce najbardziej wpływowych osób w europejskiej polityce energetycznej. Brukselski „The Parliament Magazine” dwukrotnie (2006 i 2013), przyznał mu tytuł Europosła Roku. Jest też zwycięzcą rankingów dziennika „Rzeczpospolita” na najlepszego polskiego europosła w 2008 i 2018 r. W latach 1997-2001 Jerzy Buzek był Premierem Rządu RP, który wprowadził reformy administracji, oświaty, zdrowia i emerytalną oraz rozpoczął negocjacje w sprawie członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Kawaler Orderu Orła Białego.