CETEF'24 Thematic Conference

Innovations in Biotechnology

November 19, 2024
Loction: Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University
ul. Krupnicza 33, Krakow


The Małopolska Center of Biotechnology (MCB) is an international research institute that conducts interdisciplinary research at the highest world level. The scope of research is defined by the gene-structure-function-translation continuum, which supports clinical practice, as well as the creation of start-ups. Currently, the institute has 15 research groups led by esteemed scientists specializing in such fields as: nanoparticle biology, structural biology, plant molecular biology, developmental and fertility biology, virology, bioinformatics, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the fields of biological sciences.

Introduction to the Conference

Innovation and creativity are essential to developing new areas of research. Biotechnology has come of age with the explosion of biotech companies worldwide. We will explore how cool science is the driving force behind translation, application and commercialisation, examining the stories of companies in the biotech industry, from small incubators to large companies. We will also explore the key features that enable successful translation of cool science into practice.

Biotechnology cannot stand still, so we want to show how European funding of high-risk, high-reward projects can accelerate the creativity that is essential for future discoveries in biotechnology, driving industry forward and fostering an environment in which breakthroughs are not only possible but expected. By examining concrete cases where cutting-edge research has moved from concept to market, we will identify the critical factors that support this journey.

Conference Agenda

Plenary Session – Keynote Speeches

Three speakers, including Mark Treherne and Pawel Przewięźlikowski, will present how great science can be translated into successful application, both in a bottom-up way, where science leads to a company, and a top-down way, where you start with a company that then generates great science. The emphasis will be on what drives success.

Translating Science from Incubators to SMEs and Large Companies

Speakers such as John Bason, Magda Kordon-Kiszala and Robert Gromada will present examples of “cool science” and how it translates to companies at different levels of development. Speakers will also point out the characteristics that help achieve success.

Panel Discussion

The panel discussion, led by Marta Winiarska, will focus on what is good about biotechnology and the region, and what needs improvement.

European Initiatives

Modern science drives innovative and groundbreaking discoveries. The afternoon session will focus on Big Science, including ERC-funded high-risk, high-reward projects, as well as large consortium projects funded by Horizon Europe. Speakers will include ERC grantees Róża Szweda and Andrzej Dziembowski, and Krzysztof Pyrć, who has been a beneficiary of several large consortium projects funded by the European Union.

Invited Speakers

Mark Therene

Innovate UK Council

Paweł Przewięźlikowski

Ryvu Therapeutics

John Bason

nCage Therapeutics

Robert Gromada


Andrzej Dziembowski

RNA Biology Laboratory at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

Magda Kordon-Kiszala


Marta Winiarska

Polish Association of Innovative Medical Biotechnology Companies BioInMed

Róża Szweda

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Krzysztof Pyrć

Virology Laboratory at the Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University

Magdalena Kulczycka

Director of BioForum

Zbigniew Zasłonka

Scientific Director of Molecure S.A.


Industry Partners

International Partner Projects

Industry Contact Point

Contact with the Organizer

Coordinator: Prof. Danuta Mossakowska-Earnshaw, Director of Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology Jagiellonian University

+48 12-664-53-69



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