CETEF'24 Thematic Conference

Materials Engineering
in the Non-ferrous Metals Industry


09:00 - 15:00

Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University
ul. Krupnicza 33, Krakow
Aula Średnia B


The organizers of the Thematic Conference “Materials Science in Non-Ferrous Industry” are the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Non-Ferrous Metals.

The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals is a prestigious research centre with more than 70 years of expertise for the non-ferrous metals sector.
The scope of Łukasiewicz – IMN activities covers R&D works aimed at the development of new materials and technologies, optimization of industrial processes, modernization of production lines, construction of devices, measurements, and analytical services.
The offered technological and technical solutions cover all phases of the production and processing of non-ferrous metals, from ore processing to pyro- and hydrometallurgical technologies, materials production technologies, post-production waste recycling, and environmental protection processes.
The comprehensiveness of services provided by Łukasiewicz – IMN is an attractive offer not only for the non-ferrous metals industry but also for other economy sectors using advanced technologies.

The Association of Engineers and Technicians of Non-Ferrous Metals (SITMN), is an organization of a scientific, technical and managerial nature, associating on a voluntary basis engineers and technicians of professions related to the non-ferrous metals industry. The Association brings also together universities, research institutes, design offices, commercial and service units and other organizational units included in this industry or acting on its behalf. The Association inspires and supports activities aimed at the development of enterprises, and scientific and research units. It is a platform of knowledge and information about the latest achievements in the field of metallurgy, non-ferrous metals processing and recycling.

Introduction to the Conference

Non-ferrous metals constitute a group of strategic materials. They represent nearly 3/4 of the currently known elements, they are omnipresent and occur in all sectors of the economy.

The aim of the conference is to concentrate the scientific and industrial communities on the most advanced problems related to the manufacturing and processing of non-ferrous metals. The conference is addressed to representatives of the non-ferrous metals industry, scientific institutions and organizations dealing with modern materials and technologies in the non-ferrous metals industry. Its goal is to create a platform for exchanging experience and knowledge. The subject of the conference ” Materials Science in Non-Ferrous Industry” is focused on issues related to the latest directions in the implementation of modern solutions in the non-ferrous metals industry.

Plenary lecture – Prof. Michał Szucki – Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

Is hydrogen the only solution? – Environmentally friendly heating systems for the foundry industry

9:30 – 9:45

dr hab. inż. Maciej Szczerba, Institute prof. – Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Science

New aspects of plastic deformation in metallic materials

9:45 – 10:00

dr hab. Adriana Wrona – Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals

New solutions from refractory metals for additive technologies

10:00 – 10:15

dr hab. inż. Anna Kula, prof. AGH – Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków

Advances in Mechanical Properties and Performance of Magnesium Alloys: Unveiling the Future of Lightweight Materials

10:15 – 10:30

dr hab inż. Krzysztof Fic, prof. PP – Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, Poznan Division

Non-ferrous metals in energy storage – how and why

10:30 – 10:45

Manel da Silva, PhD – Unit of Metallic and Ceramic Materials, Eurecat

New aluminum alloys for a sustainable electric mobility

10:45 – 11:10

Dmitrii Apushkin – Project Manager, Non-ferrous Metals & Alloys, SMS group GmbH

Digital process twinning and BlueControl to optimize overall plant performance

11:40 – 11:55

mgr inż. Bogusław Ochab – ZGH Bolesław S.A.

Technological aspects of closing technological cycles within the Circular Economy in the ZGH Bolesław Capital Group

11:55 – 12:10

dr inż. Paweł Rutecki – Gränges Konin S.A.

Design of modern aluminium products in the light of green transformation requirements

12:10 – 12:25

dr hab. inż. Piotr Kwapisiński, Chief Engineer of the Development, Investment and Renovation Department, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. „Cedynia” Copper Smelter
dr hab. inż. Artur Kawecki, prof. AGH, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
dr inż. Wojciech Głuchowski, Director of the Centre of Materials Processing and Engineering, Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals
dr inż. Jakub Siemiński, Research and Development Officer, TELE-FONIKA Kable S.A.
High-strength and high-conductive  load-bearing and conducting cores for the use in low-loss overhead power cables based on Cu-Ag alloys

mgr inż. Marcin Dziedzic – Elemental Strategic Metals Sp. z o.o.

Challenges in PGM recycling from spent automotive catalytic converters based on silicon

carbide matrix

dr inż. Piotr Uliasz – NPA Skawina Sp. z o.o.

Research on the chemical composition selection of 3xxx series aluminium alloys for continuous tube extrusion technology

dr inż. Jaroslaw Piekarski National Contact Point for Horizon Europe, NCBR

Advanced Materials Initiative

Invited Speakers

Michał Szczucki

Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

Maciej Szczerba

Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Science

Marcin Dziedzic

Elemental Strategic Metals Sp. z o.o.

Manel da Silva

Unit of Metallic and Ceramic Materials, Eurecat

Piotr Uliasz

NPA Skawina Sp. z o.o.

Dmitrii Apushkin

SMS GmbH Project Manager, Non-ferrous Metals & Alloys

dr hab. inż. Piotr Kwapisiński

KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. O/ Huta Miedzi „Cedynia” Główny Inżynier Działu Rozwoju, Inwestycji i Remontów


International Partner Projects

Industry Contact Point

Contact with the Organizer

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Metali Nieżelaznych

Phone – 509 210 251

Mail sitmn@sitmn.pl


prof. Jerzy Buzek

Premier RP 1997-2001
Przewodniczący Parlamentu Europejskiego 2009–2012
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2004-2024
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego nieprzerwanie od 2004 r. W latach 2009-2012 pełnił funkcję przewodniczącego Parlamentu Europejskiego, będąc pierwszym i jedynym dotąd przewodniczącym tej instytucji z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. W 8. kadencji Parlamentu Europejskiego (2014-2019) kierował Komisją Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii. W PE był sprawozdawcą wielu ważnych raportów m.in. nowelizacji dyrektywy gazowej, rozporządzenia o bezpieczeństwie dostaw gazu czy 7. Programu Ramowego na rzecz Badań i Innowacji. W 2016 r. portal Euractiv umieścił go w rankingu EurActory40 w trójce najbardziej wpływowych osób w europejskiej polityce energetycznej. Brukselski „The Parliament Magazine” dwukrotnie (2006 i 2013), przyznał mu tytuł Europosła Roku. Jest też zwycięzcą rankingów dziennika „Rzeczpospolita” na najlepszego polskiego europosła w 2008 i 2018 r. W latach 1997-2001 Jerzy Buzek był Premierem Rządu RP, który wprowadził reformy administracji, oświaty, zdrowia i emerytalną oraz rozpoczął negocjacje w sprawie członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Kawaler Orderu Orła Białego.