The Association of Engineers and Technicians of Non-Ferrous Metals (SITMN), hereinafter referred to as the Association, is an independent organization of a scientific, technical and managerial nature, associating on a voluntary basis engineers and technicians of all specialties and related professions, whose activity is related to the non-ferrous metals industry, as well as from universities, research institutes, design offices, commercial and service units and other organizational units included in this industry or acting on its behalf.
The Association was registered on November 30, 2004, and is the successor of the Non-Ferrous Metals Branch of the SITPH. It brings together outstanding specialists, experts and scientists from various fields of science, mainly from the area of production engineering and metal processing. The overriding statutory goal of SITMN is to work for the development of individual enterprises in the non-ferrous metals industry, regardless of the conditions and their ownership status. Fulfilling its statutory goals, it inspires and supports activities aimed at consolidating non-ferrous metal enterprises and research and development units and universities. It ensures that the conferences and meetings it organizes are a medium for disseminating information on the latest achievements in metallurgy and non-ferrous metal processing. It creates conditions for the integration of engineering and technical, scientific and economic staff employed in enterprises and associated with SITMN.