CETEF'24 Thematic Conference

Materials Engineering
in the Non-ferrous Metals Industry

November 19, 2024
Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University
ul. Krupnicza 33, Krakow


The Association of Engineers and Technicians of Non-Ferrous Metals (SITMN), hereinafter referred to as the Association, is an independent organization of a scientific, technical and managerial nature, associating on a voluntary basis engineers and technicians of all specialties and related professions, whose activity is related to the non-ferrous metals industry, as well as from universities, research institutes, design offices, commercial and service units and other organizational units included in this industry or acting on its behalf.

The Association was registered on November 30, 2004, and is the successor of the Non-Ferrous Metals Branch of the SITPH. It brings together outstanding specialists, experts and scientists from various fields of science, mainly from the area of ​​production engineering and metal processing. The overriding statutory goal of SITMN is to work for the development of individual enterprises in the non-ferrous metals industry, regardless of the conditions and their ownership status. Fulfilling its statutory goals, it inspires and supports activities aimed at consolidating non-ferrous metal enterprises and research and development units and universities. It ensures that the conferences and meetings it organizes are a medium for disseminating information on the latest achievements in metallurgy and non-ferrous metal processing. It creates conditions for the integration of engineering and technical, scientific and economic staff employed in enterprises and associated with SITMN.

Introduction to the Conference

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Aenean dictum augue ex, sit amet laoreet velit venenatis nec. Vestibulum eu neque pulvinar, auctor ex ut, rutrum magna. Fusce ex diam, maximus vitae iaculis vitae, fringilla at purus. Cras eget blandit mauris, a ullamcorper odio. Mauris vitae malesuada quam. Suspendisse potenti. Donec congue est sed viverra scelerisque. Donec sollicitudin mauris semper, bibendum diam ac, aliquet dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

Quisque nec tortor vitae libero tempus gravida. Sed eget scelerisque elit. Cras mattis magna vel purus accumsan, vitae lobortis lacus gravida. Etiam et orci sit amet mauris scelerisque finibus et sit amet ipsum. In eget nisl et augue vulputate scelerisque quis blandit felis. Nulla accumsan justo ipsum, vitae faucibus sem ultrices eu. Morbi faucibus tincidunt nisi. Integer posuere placerat justo quis consectetur. Nullam interdum, turpis sagittis luctus placerat, dui mi semper enim, id consequat risus nisl eu ligula. Ut facilisis, velit in porta sodales, eros ipsum tincidunt quam, non eleifend massa augue vel dui. Suspendisse luctus commodo quam vitae imperdiet. Nunc eleifend justo vulputate nibh bibendum, a efficitur mauris pharetra. Integer in lobortis velit. Vestibulum congue, diam vitae congue ultricies, nulla nibh aliquet ex, et dictum elit ligula non metus.

Conference Agenda


Plenary Session

Three speakers, including Mark Treherne and Pawel Przewięźlikowski, will present how great science can be translated into successful application, both in a bottom-up way, where science leads to a company, and a top-down way, where you start with a company that then generates great science. The emphasis will be on what drives success.


Translating Science from Incubators to SMEs and Large Companies

Speakers such as John Bason, Magda Kordon-Kiszala and Robert Gromada will present examples of “cool science” and how it translates to companies at different levels of development. Speakers will also point out the characteristics that help achieve success.


Panel Discussion

The panel discussion, led by Marta Winiarska, will focus on what is good about biotechnology and the region, and what needs improvement.


European Initiatives

Modern science drives innovative and groundbreaking discoveries. The afternoon session will focus on Big Science, including ERC-funded high-risk, high-reward projects, as well as large consortium projects funded by Horizon Europe. Speakers will include ERC grantees Róża Szweda and Andrzej Dziembowski, and Krzysztof Pyrć, who has been a beneficiary of several large consortium projects funded by the European Union.

Invited Speakers

Prof. Mirosław Skibniewski

Uniwersytet Maryland

prof. Piotr Sankowski


Prof. Vytautas Bučinskas

Vilnius Tech

Partnerzy Naukowi

Partnerzy Przemysłowi

Projekty Partnerskie

Branżowy Punkt Kontanktowy

Kontakt z Organizatorem

Ta strona używa ciasteczek.
Polityka Prywatności
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