CETEF'24 Thematic Conference

Space and Satellite


09:00 - 15:00

Location: AGH University of Science and Technology
al. Adama Mickiewicza 30, Kraków
room no. 216 (floor 2) in building A-0


AGH UST Space Technology Centre – Operates in the field of space research and education. In the era of increased interest in space, the Center conducts research in the field of space, satellite and planetary missions, both robotic and manned. The Center is operating unique habitat. Through training in a habitat that allows the implementation of simulated space missions, future astronauts and space tourists are prepared to stay in space. As part of the research, the Center is improving life support systems in space. Satellite and planetary missions are carried out. Satellite missions are carried out to observe the Earth. We are launching the smallest fully functional satellite with an optical sensor into LEO orbit.
After paying an increased membership fee to the European Space Agency, Poland can benefit from many new ESA programs, so the demand for human resources is growing.
The aim of the Centre’s educational activities is to provide staff for the rapidly growing space sector in Poland.

Introduction to the Conference

We live in the times of the space revolution, the new space is entering our everyday lives widely. The new cosmos is that part of space research that serves the Earth and Humanity. Space gives us the opportunity to observe events and phenomena on Earth on a global scale, which in turn gives us a sense of security and the ability to better manage the management of resources on our planet. Satellite observations help to warn of dangerous atmospheric phenomena, give the opportunity to monitor environmental disasters and predict their impact on people. There is a growing interest in space resources, including resources for the energy sector. 95% of the universe is hydrogen and helium, which can be converted into energy. Technologies for the extraction and processing of space resources are currently being improved, which at the same time is related to the need to send people to planets. In order to be safe, we need to know the mechanisms of the impact of the space environment on living organisms, and above all on humans. We need to learn how to produce food in space, these are the issues that the rapidly growing field of space science is dealing with, which is space biology. Most of the results of space research can be used for terrestrial applications, such as technologies for producing food in space conditions can be used on Earth to produce food in rapidly changing climatic conditions.

As part of the organized conference on Space and Satellite Technology, we would like to show the possibilities of using space technologies for the needs of humanity and the protection of resources on Earth, as well as the development of the space industry in Poland. One of the topics we want to discuss with the conference participants is the scope of space exploration and the benefits that people can derive from this research.

Agenda Konferencji

Chairmen: Prof. Tadeusz Uhl – Centrum Technologii Kosmicznych AGH

Chairmen: prof. Piotr Kijanka Akademia Górniczo – Hutnicza

  1. BHM Durakesza (ISRO, AGH) – Space missions of ISRO (20 min) 
  2. Michele Armano (ESA, AGH) – Deep space missions of ESA (20 min) 
  3. Michał Lupa (AGH) – Downstream achievements and chosen application (20 min) 
  4. Łukasz Wilczyński (EFK, AGH) – Space Technologies Industrial Sector in Poland (20 min) 
  5. Prof. Dr hab. Czesław Kapusta – Akademia Górniczo – Hutnicza

Chairman: prof. Czesław Kapusta 

Shreyas Srivatsa – AGH on the ISS (15 min) 

Filip Wylegała – AGH on the Moon (15 min) 

Filip Tomczyk – Satellite missions of AGH (15 min) 

Agata Rudolf – Space Biology at AGH (15 min) 

Zaproszeni Mówcy

Partnerzy Naukowi

Partnerzy Przemysłowi

Projekty Partnerskie

Branżowy Punkt Kontanktowy

Kontakt z Organizatorem

prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Uhl

+48 12 617 55 27




prof. Jerzy Buzek

Premier RP 1997-2001
Przewodniczący Parlamentu Europejskiego 2009–2012
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2004-2024
Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego nieprzerwanie od 2004 r. W latach 2009-2012 pełnił funkcję przewodniczącego Parlamentu Europejskiego, będąc pierwszym i jedynym dotąd przewodniczącym tej instytucji z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. W 8. kadencji Parlamentu Europejskiego (2014-2019) kierował Komisją Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii. W PE był sprawozdawcą wielu ważnych raportów m.in. nowelizacji dyrektywy gazowej, rozporządzenia o bezpieczeństwie dostaw gazu czy 7. Programu Ramowego na rzecz Badań i Innowacji. W 2016 r. portal Euractiv umieścił go w rankingu EurActory40 w trójce najbardziej wpływowych osób w europejskiej polityce energetycznej. Brukselski „The Parliament Magazine” dwukrotnie (2006 i 2013), przyznał mu tytuł Europosła Roku. Jest też zwycięzcą rankingów dziennika „Rzeczpospolita” na najlepszego polskiego europosła w 2008 i 2018 r. W latach 1997-2001 Jerzy Buzek był Premierem Rządu RP, który wprowadził reformy administracji, oświaty, zdrowia i emerytalną oraz rozpoczął negocjacje w sprawie członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Kawaler Orderu Orła Białego.